Chisinau Municipal Youth Center announces the launch of the competition for the head of the Botanica Youth Center!
28 August 2024

Chisinau Municipal Youth Center announces the launch of the competition for the position of Head of Botanica Youth Center!
(contest_chief_CTBotanica_CMTC, bibliography_contest_chief_CTBotanica_CMTC (1))
Job requirements:
- to know the peculiarities of psycho-social and physiological development for different developmental stages of adolescents and young people;
- have knowledge of the rights and needs of young people;
- possess techniques for observing young people in their living environment, in their everyday relationships and actions;
- know how to apply educational methods which encourage personal development, communication, mobility, self-control, life skills and the ability to integrate young people into society;
- planning, teamwork, cooperation and communication skills;
- adaptability and flexibility in the performance of duties;
- other requirements stipulated in the job description.
Conditions of participation:
- is a citizen of the Republic of Moldova;
- has a university degree / or post-secondary technical / post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education, preferably in the field of social sciences and humanities;
- has at least 1 year experience in youth work;
- is under 35 years of age on the closing date for applications;
- has knowledge of Romanian;
- is medically fit (certified by a family doctor) for the performance of the duties;
- has no criminal record (criminal record certificate);
- has not been dismissed in the last 3 years pursuant to Article 86 (1) (l), (m) and (n) of the Labor Code (confirmed by a sworn statement, as per Annex no. 8 to the Regulation).
Duties and powers of the principal specialist:
- Drafts draft orders on the implementation of programs and activities for young people;
- organizes and implements youth programmes and activities in accordance with the approved plan;
- participates in capacity building courses and sessions in youth work;
- carries out tasks delegated by the Head of Section;
- develops the individual activity plan;
- submits activity reports.
On the day of the interview, candidates must present personal documents to verify the veracity of the data indicated in the application form:
a) copy of identity card;
b) a copy of their employment record and other documents certifying their length of service and voluntary work;
c) copies of documents justifying studies, training and internships;
d) motivation letter;
e) letter of recommendation.
Application deadline: September 3, 2024
More details, you can also read on the page of the Directorate General for Education, Youth and Sport, HERE