The Robotics and 3D Club is launched in Chisinau: New opportunities for young people passionate about technology
05 February 2025

On January 30, the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center hosted the launch of the Robotics and 3D Club, a project for young people interested in technology and innovation. The event brought together local public administration officials, representatives of the youth sector and partners in the technological field.
The event was attended by:
- Ion Ceban, mayor of Chisinau municipality;
- Angela Cutasevici, Deputy Mayor of Chisinau;
- Andrei Pavaloi, Deputy Head of the General Directorate for Education, Youth and Sports;
- Petru Grecu, director of the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center;
- Representatives of Shape Robotics, project partners.
The Robotics and 3D Club aims to provide young people with an interactive learning space, where they can explore innovative areas, such as:
- Programming robots and coordinating their movements;
- VR experiences with the help of virtual reality glasses;
- 3D modeling and printing, using 3D pens to create three-dimensional structures.
Starting with February, the club’s activities will take place in all Youth Centers in Chisinau, offering young people the opportunity to develop their digital and technical skills in a modern educational environment.
Young people interested in participating can register by filling out the online form available, HERE.
Prin această inițiativă, municipalitatea își propune să sprijine dezvoltarea competențelor tehnologice ale tinerilor și să le ofere acces la resurse moderne pentru inovare și învățare.