10 Youth Projects Financially Supported by Chisinau City Hall through the Municipal Grant Program

21 September 2024

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The Chisinau City Hall has announced the results of the first edition of the Municipal Grants Program for Initiative Groups, through which ten projects of young people from the capital will receive financial support this year. The program is a first for the city and aims to encourage the involvement of young people in the development of the community through creative initiatives with social impact.

The ten projects selected for funding are:

  1. Youth Empowerment Hub – a project dedicated to developing leadership skills and civic participation among young people.
  2. InovaTed Dialogues – an initiative promoting innovative dialog in education and technological solutions to today’s challenges.
  3. Involvement = Development = Impact – project emphasizing the active participation of young people in community development processes.
  4. Content Creators Training School – educational platform supporting young people in creating quality digital content.
  5. Together we increase the effectiveness of legal socialization in Chisinau municipality – a project that promotes legal knowledge among young Chisinau residents.
  6. Our Future without Drugs – a campaign to raise awareness and prevent drug use among young people.
  7. Youth – Future Leaders – initiative preparing young people for leadership roles in the local community.
  8. Volunteers in Action – project mobilizing and involving young volunteers in various community activities.
  9. MindLaw & EconHack: Innovating for Mental Health Awareness – project combining technology and law to promote mental health.
  10. Career Compass – career guidance platform for young people seeking a career path.

The program was launched to support youth initiatives and create a positive impact in the community. “We are happy to see the increased interest of young men and women in Chisinau in this program. We wish them every success in implementing their projects and achieving the proposed objectives,” said the City Hall representatives.

This is the first edition of the Municipal Grants Program for Initiative Groups, and the organizers hope that the program will become an annual tradition, attracting even more initiatives from young people eager to contribute to the development of Chisinau.