10 February 2025

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The Moldovan-Swiss project MENSANA – “Support for the reform of mental health services in Moldova” announces the launch of the second edition of the grant competition “My Community Promotes Mental Health”. The initiative aims to support local projects that promote mental health and strengthen collaboration between communities and mental health services in the Republic of Moldova.

Launched in 2014, the MENSANA project facilitates the implementation of mental health services reform in the Republic of Moldova, providing affected people with access to adequate services and recovery support. Currently, the project has reached the third phase of implementation, with the objective of developing an accessible, sustainable and responsive mental health system to the needs of the population.

At this stage, MENSANA aims for two main results:

  • Autonomous development of mental health services – strengthening the existing network to operate without direct project support.
  • Raising awareness among the population – promoting mental health, reducing stigma and supporting the inclusion of people with mental health problems.

What does the grant competition offer?

In the competition, two local projects will be selected to receive a grant of 10,000 Swiss francs (CHF). In addition to financial support, the winning organisations will benefit from:

  • Methodological assistance and guidance in the implementation of activities;
  • Support for communication and visibility;
  • Support from community mental health services and MENSANA experts.

Who can participate?

The following types of institutions and organisations are eligible:

  • Local public authorities (town halls, district councils);
  • Public institutions (social assistance, education, educational institutions);
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs);
  • Professional associations and trade organizations with non-profit projects.

Partnerships between several institutions are encouraged, for better collaboration and impact at community level.

READ ALSO: Launch of the Municipal Grant Programs for 2025. Youth organisations, initiative groups and student councils can apply

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible, proposed projects must include activities that:

  • Improve collaboration between communities and mental health services at the district or municipal level;
  • It raises awareness among the population through psychoeducation workshops, community events, mental health assessment sessions in localities;
  • Respects the principles of human rights, gender equality and social inclusion;
  • Combat discrimination, hate speech and disinformation;
  • Support people with mental health problems or other vulnerable groups.

Projects aimed at infrastructure, study visits abroad, scholarships or charitable actions are not eligible for funding.

How do we apply for the competition?

The competition takes place in two stages:

  • January 30 – February 28, 2025: Interested organizations must send a project concept (maximum two pages) and an estimated budget to constanta.popa@trimbos.md. The document must answer the question: “How will the proposed project promote mental health in the community?”
  • March 10 – 20, 2025: Projects selected in the preliminary phase will be invited to submit a complete application.

What should the final file contain?

  • Detailed description of the project, according to a model provided by the organizers;
  • Information about the applicant organisation and its previous experience (if any);
  • Copies of statutory documents (certificate of registration, statute, etc.).

The files will be accepted by April 18, 2025, and the final results will be announced at the end of April 2025. The winning projects will be implemented between May and October 2025.

How are the files evaluated?

  • The coherence and clarity of the project proposal;
  • The relevance of the activities to the objectives of the competition;
  • Estimated impact on the community;
  • Cost-effectiveness of the project.

Organisations that will not be selected will not receive detailed explanations of the reasons for the rejection of the application.

Project funding

The grants will be offered through a contract concluded between IP Trimbos Moldova and the winning organizations, in national currency, according to the exchange rate set by the National Bank of Moldova on the day of signing the contract.

The MENSANA project is supported by the Government of Switzerland and implemented by the Institute of Mental Health and Addictions Trimbos (Netherlands), through IP Trimbos Moldova, in partnership with Luzerner Psychiatry (Switzerland) and the Romanian League for Mental Health (Romania).

For more information, those interested can contact the MENSANA team at constanta.popa@trimbos.md.