A new meeting of young people for the english club, at the buiucani youth center

20 April 2024


On Thursday, 18 April 2024, the English club took place at Buiucani Youth Center, in which the participants were challenged to test their accumulated vocabulary within the club and their personal limits.

The youth divided into teams of 2, had to extract different domains and had limited time to say as many specific words for that domain.

Through these challenges, the participants exchanged new words, practiced their pronunciation and trained their thinking in a foreign language.

English club sessions provide an excellent opportunity for the interested youth to exceed the speaking barrier in a foreign language, to enrich practical knowledge and self-development.

We look forward to seeing you at the next session, on the 25th of April, starting 17:00, at the Buiucani Youth Center! The registration form can be accessed HERE!

To participate is free, for the teens between 14-35 years.