A new personal development session at buiucani youth center!

26 April 2024


On Thursday, April 25, a new personal development session was held with trainer Mihai Popescu. The session covered several aspects, including the roles of young people in a team, the impact of motivation, and productivity.

By exploring team roles, participants understood the importance of collaboration and its impact on efficiency, individual responsibilities, and how they influence the achievement of common goals.

Motivation was addressed through the involvement of young people in various practical exercises requiring synchronization, listening, planning, and managing the work process.

Additionally, participants discovered techniques and practical tools to increase personal productivity in a team, such as time management, task allocation, including the individual characteristics of each person involved in the work process, and task prioritization.

If you’re interested in these topics, grab a spot at the next session on Thursday, May 2, at 4:00 PM, at Buiucani Youth Center, La Izvor Park, Ghidighici Street. Registration form available HERE.

Participation in activities is completely free for young people aged 14-35.