A new training day for the volunteers from the Youth Centers in the capital!

04 July 2024


The Chisinau Municipal Youth Center is pleased to announce the successful completion of the second day of the Volunteer Training Program. The program continues to bring together young people from the Youth Centers in Chisinau, offering them development opportunities through training sessions.

The sessions attended by the volunteers were:

  • Assertive Communication, together with Frunze Alesea
  • Work efficiency, with Zinaida Soroceanu
  • Techniques and secrets for a good speaker, with Lucia Pogor
  • The importance of volunteer activities in personal and professional development, with Grigore Vieru

During these 2 days, about 120 volunteers from the Youth Centers in the Municipality of Chisinau benefited from the first 4 training sessions. In the following period, they will participate in other thematic empowerment sessions, such as: volunteer time management, team building activities, the use of the CapCut application and the specifics of the activity as beneficiaries.

Together, we build a community of capable, responsible and engaged young people.