A new weekend spent at the Buiucani Youth Center!

21 April 2024


In a vibrant and enthusiastic atmosphere, the Weekend at the Buiucani  Youth Center featured a series of interesting activities, providing participants with unique opportunities for socializing and development.

On Friday, April 19th, the Buiucani  Youth Center came alive with the game “Who Am I?”, a fun activity that served not only as a way to relax but also as an excellent opportunity to stimulate creativity and collaboration among the youth.

Similarly, game enthusiasts had the opportunity to enjoy an intense round of “Alias” at the board games club, developing quick reactions and originality in explaining words.

On Saturday, April 20th, the atmosphere was one of learning and interaction. Within the “Meet the Youth Workers” activity, young people interacted directly with youth workers, getting to know them from a different perspective.

And the “Oriental Night” activity was a special moment dedicated to the history and traditions of oriental dance. Participants had the privilege of hearing the captivating story of this artistic genre directly from the world champion in oriental dances, Vitalina Nesterova, who shared not only techniques and movements but also the essence and cultural significance behind these fascinating dances.

We look forward to welcoming you next weekend, April 26-27, at the Buiucani  Youth Center to enjoy together a series of fun and interesting events!