A.O. Development Training Institute “MilleniuM” together with A.O. “EcoVisio” invites you to a Training entitled “The Art of Negotiations: from A to as much as you want…”

09 September 2024

Arta Negocierilor de la A până la cât vrei tu...

We aim to create a space for young people aged 16-25, where we explore negotiation competence, so that the term ‘negotiation’ not only makes sense in a diplomatic context, but also brings it back into everyday life.

Interactive and challenging activities will help you develop your communication, negotiation and conflict resolution skills, all in a safe learning space.

What will you gain from this training?

* You will understand how your choices influence the environment and community around you;

* You will participate in practical simulations and learn to resolve conflicts with confidence;

* You will discover and apply effective techniques for successful negotiations;

* You will learn to make decisions based on your negotiation style and optimize your personal and professional approach.

This training goes beyond techniques to help you get to know yourself better and make informed choices in both your career and personal life

Running period: September 20-22, 2024

Location: “Odysseus” rest base, Vadul lui Voda. Accommodation and food are provided by the organizers.

As we aim to have a smaller carbon footprint, we will have a vegetarian diet (no meat but dairy).

To register, go to: https://forms.gle/P3iDBz4qvBCQimfY9

Deadline for application: September 10, 2024 at 20:00

Contacts: Anastasia 068212933 ; Radu 067740262

This training is carried out by the participants of the Long-Term Course in Training of Trainers, as a follow-up activity of the project “Promoting quality non-formal education in the youth field” implemented by the Institute of Development Training “MilleniuM” within the Grants Programme for Youth Organizations, 2024 edition of the National Agency for Youth Programme and Activity Development.