Attend a free session on coaching! The session is for young people aged 18 – 35.

25 April 2024

Copy of 2024 program dezvoltare personala (4)

Chisinau Municipal Youth Centre invites you to the free session entitled “Coaching – Leadership Skills”. This session is an integral part of the Municipal Youth Personal Development Programme and is specifically designed for young people aged 18-35.

This coaching session is an opportunity for young people to learn and develop leadership skills essential for personal and professional success. The trainers, Mihail Popescu and Inga Covalciuc, are recognised professionals in the field of personal development and leadership.

Here are some of the topics to be discussed:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of coaching
  • Communication and active listening
  • Goal setting and action planning
  • Managing resources and balance
  • Developing leadership skills
  • Feedback and performance evaluation

The session will take place on 27 April 2024 at the Chisinau Municipal Youth Centre, starting at 15:00.

Registration form, HERE

“Success through Leadership” is a series of trainings designed to provide participants with knowledge and practical tools in the field of leadership and personal development. Whether they are looking for more effective communication skills or want to discover and develop their leadership potential, participants will find in this training series the resources they need to achieve their goals.