Become a master in time management with Alexandru Mihailenco!

17 July 2024


MAIB invites you on July 30 at 18:00 to the workshop “Mastering Time Management” with Alexandru Mihailenco, Head of Network Operations at Shippeo.

Even if the subject of time management seems an outdated topic, effective time management is the key to success for both entrepreneurs and employees.

Here’s what you will learn from Alexandru’s workshop:

– How to manage time as a CEO – From impediments to success
– Time planning for operations teams
– Tools and techniques to help you organize your time and achieve your goals
– How to allocate time to each activity
– Practical exercises to implement what you have learned

Location: maib park , str. 31 August 1989, nr. 127, Chișinău
Participation is free! If you are an entrepreneur, operations manager or employee of this department or if you want to increase your productivity, register HERE
