Bike repair and maintenance workshop at IarmarEco 2024: Learn how to look after your bike properly!

10 September 2024


On September 15, 2024, between 15:00 and 16:30, in the Valea Trandafirilor Park in Chisinau (entrance on Decebal Boulevard), cyclists are invited to attend a free workshop on bicycle repair and maintenance. The event, organized in the framework of the IarmarEco 2024 fair, gives you the opportunity to learn how to take care of your bike and deal with the most common bike breakdowns.

Under the guidance of an experienced mechanic, you will learn:

  • how to set up your bike correctly;
  • how to put the chain on;
  • how to fix a flat;
  • general maintenance practices;
  • and many other useful tips for your safety on the road.

All the necessary tools will be provided and the atmosphere will be friendly and energetic. At the ABC table you’ll find stickers and posters from local creators, as well as an active community ready to answer your questions about bikes, trails, road safety and sustainable mobility.

The workshop is organized in partnership with EcoVisio, as part of the project “Sustainable and safe energy and transport in Moldova”, supported by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

Participation is free of charge! For more details about the event and other activities in the framework of IarmarEco 2024, please visit the official: IarmarEco Facebook page.

Don’t miss the opportunity to extend the life of your bike and learn how to ride safely!