Chisinau Municipal Youth Center Chisinau at “Hello, Chisinau!” Festival: Opportunities for Youth

19 July 2024

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From July 19 – 21, 2024, the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center and its branches will participate in the “Hello, Chisinau!” Festival, providing young people with essential information about the Youth Centers’ services and the opportunities for involvement available. Young people are invited to visit the Youth Information Center, located on the pedestrian street “Eugen Doga”, to discover the many ways to develop themselves and contribute to the community.

What can you find out at the Youth Information Center?

  • Information about the Youth Centres’ programs and activities: creative workshops, personal development courses, volunteering projects, sports and cultural events and much more.
  • Non-formal education opportunities: discover how you can get involved in interesting projects and acquire new knowledge and skills.
  • Ways to get involved as a volunteer: be part of our team and contribute to positive change in the community.
  • Information about upcoming events: concerts, performances, film screenings and workshops organized by the Youth Centres.

The “Hello, Chisinau!” festival is a perfect opportunity for young people in Chisinau to discover all these opportunities and get actively involved in the life of the community. Don’t miss this chance to learn more about how you can contribute to the development of the city and yourself!