Chisinau Municipal Youth Center Mobile Team is coming to Sîngera!

23 July 2024

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Come and spend a memorable afternoon full of fun and interactive activities! We are looking forward to welcoming you on July 27, at 17:00, in the “Alexandru cel Bun” High School, where the Mobile Team of the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center will organize a special event!

Get ready for an unforgettable evening full of:

  • Educational workshops and workshops – Develop new skills and discover hidden talents!
  • PlayStation and board games – Guaranteed fun with friends!
  • Exciting VR goggles experiences – Explore new worlds and experience amazing virtual adventures!
  • Medical First Aid session with the Association of Medical Students and Residents of Moldova.

This visit aims to empower and provide access to information for young people, to identify measures to promote a healthy lifestyle and to increase the level of civic activism among young people.

The main goal of the mobile team is to familiarize young people with the services and programs offered by the Youth Centers, highlighting the non-formal education, volunteering and active recreation opportunities available to them.
You will also learn about upcoming events organized by the Youth Centres as well as ways to get involved in the community.

The event is free and open to all young people aged between 14 and 35.
Don’t miss this opportunity to have fun, learn new things and get actively involved in community life!