Chisinau Youth Fest 2024: Over 100,000 young people attended the most awaited festival of the year

28 September 2024


Chisinau’s Grand National Assembly Square was, on September 22, 2024, the host of this year’s biggest youth event – Chisinau Youth Fest 2024. The festival gathered over 100,000 participants, transforming the heart of the capital into an explosion of energy and enthusiasm.

The event, organized by the Chisinau City Hall, the General Directorate of Education, Youth and Sport of the Chisinau Municipality and the Chisinau Municipal Youth Centre, brought together young people from all over the country, who enjoyed a day full of activities, concerts and surprises.

Representatives of the organizers said that this festival is just the beginning of a series of events dedicated to young people and invited everyone to stay tuned for details about the next incendiary activities.

“Thanks to everyone for the energy created together at this long-awaited event! It was a success thanks to you, and we are already preparing other surprises that will be announced soon,” the organizers said.

Chisinau Youth Fest 2024 has once again demonstrated how important it is to provide young people with platforms of expression and spaces for socializing, and the event will certainly remain in the memory of the participants as a landmark moment of this year.