Effective communication learned by young people at the Social Etiquette Course

22 May 2024


The Riscani Youth Centre hosted a session on “Effective Communication”, part of the Social Etiquette Course within the Youth Personal Development Programme, with Zinaida Soroceanu, an expert in education and relational communication.

This session aimed to develop young people’s communication skills, giving them the tools to interact successfully in various social and professional contexts. The trainer covered essential topics such as the art of conversation, active listening, nonverbal language and how to convey clear and effective messages.

Participants had the opportunity to engage in practical activities and interactive exercises designed to improve their communication skills and provide constructive feedback.

The Social Etiquette course within the Youth Personal Development Programme, run by the Riscani Youth Centre, continues to be a valuable platform for young people, providing them with access to courses and training sessions to enhance their social skills and maintain self-confidence in any situation.