Expressive reading session at the Buiucani Youth Center!

25 May 2024

2024-05-25 11.23.25

On Friday, May 24, another session of the Personal Development Program took place, featuring
Mihaela Strâmbeanu, practicing expressive reading.

Participants refined their expressive reading skills. The challenge of this session was
interpreting Mihail Sebastian’s play “The Star Without a Name,” in roles, aimed at developing
their communication and artistic interpretation skills.

During the activity, the young people practiced knowledge from previous sessions about accents
and pronunciation, conveying emotion through words, adapting voice tones, and capturing the
audience’s attention with their interpretation.

Through this experience, they experimented with different roles and learned tricks for choosing
the right emotions according to the context.

If you also want to develop these skills, join us every Friday at 4:30 PM at the Buiucani Youth