Family day celebrated with energy by the volunteers of the rîșcani youth center.

18 May 2024


The Rîșcani Youth Center enthusiastically participated in the celebration of Family Day, contributing to the event organized by Rîșcani Pretura with a series of engaging activities aimed at promoting family values and strengthening community spirit.

The event took place in the “Sons of the Homeland – Sacred Memory” Park, an emblematic location in the Rîșcani sector, where the center’s volunteers brought additional energy and good cheer by organizing a spectacular flashmob. This was a highlight, capturing the attention of all participants and turning the day into a true celebration of unity and solidarity.

The flashmob organized by the Rîșcani Youth Center volunteers was truly special, combining lively music with synchronized dances, creating an atmosphere of joy and enthusiasm among those present. The young people demonstrated that through passion and involvement, they can bring people together and spread positive messages in the community.

Through this initiative, the Rîșcani Youth Center aimed to emphasize the importance of the family as the nucleus of society and promote its essential values: love, respect, mutual support, and solidarity. The event also provided an excellent opportunity for community members to meet, socialize, and spend quality time together.