Family Quest: Quest for everyone!

04 July 2024

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Family Quest took place in La Izvor park, which unites families and promotes inclusive education in Chisinau.

On June 29, La Izvor park became a point of attraction for families who love outdoor activities. The team of the Intellectual Games Association of the Republic of Moldova organized a Family Quest, in which ANYONE could participate. The event took place within the DIALOGICA project. INCLUSION IN ACTION, with the aim of raising awareness and improving public perception of children with special educational needs.

Inclusion is a matter of the heart. Under this budget, this day took place. The participants went through different areas, where they were challenged to find answers to different riddles, perform team tasks, test their memory and feel how people with special needs organize their lives. They were challenged to enter an apartment, reach the kitchen, sit at the table and water the flowers while waiting for dinner – all while blindfolded. They tried on their own to walk in a wheelchair over some bumps and threw a ball into the basket while sitting on this wheelchair.

Families spent time together, enjoyed these outdoor activities, gained new experiences and created shared memories. The event contributed to creating an atmosphere of equality and support, emphasizing the importance of inclusion in society.

The next Family Quest will be held soon at the Zoo. Join and create new family traditions and make every day special for your family!

The project is financially supported within the Municipal Grants Program for youth organizations in the municipality of Chisinau, launched by the General Directorate of Education, Youth and Sports and the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center under the auspices of the Chisinau City Hall.