Flower laying at the “Eternity” Memorial complex by the youth centers team!

09 May 2024

2024-05-09 21.08.54

The Youth Centers team from Chișinău were present at the “Eternity” Memorial Complex with flower arrangements in memory of those who fought in the Second World War.

Petru GRECU, Director of the Municipal Center: “We, the youth, desire peace here, at home, and throughout the world!”

On May 9, when Victory Day is celebrated, as a sign of gratitude and remembrance for veterans, as well as those who lost their lives on the battlefield, the Municipality of Chișinău organized a solemn event at the “Eternity” Memorial Complex.


The laying of flowers at the Monument of Eternity marked a moment of reverence and respect for those who dedicated their lives to defending the fundamental values of humanity.