Free activities at Youth Centres in Chisinau!

21 May 2024

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The youth centers in Chișinău are friendly and safe spaces for young people aged 14 to 35, where they can volunteer, participate in various personal development programs, and spend their free time.

Every week, you can find a wide range of activities to participate in, absolutely free!

Here are the activities for the period from May 21 to May 26 at each center:

Chișinău Municipal Youth Center

Tuesday, May 21

  • Balance and Personal Growth Club – 16:00
  • Facilitator Training Sessions “Human Behavior Analysis” – 16:00
  • Math Exam Preparation Sessions for 9th Grade – 17:00
  • Chess Club – 17:00
  • “Time and Priority Management” session with Zinaida Soroceanu (for youth aged 14-17) – 17:00

Wednesday, May 22

  • Acting and Public Speaking Initiation Club – 16:00
  • Romanian Language Exam Preparation Sessions for 9th Grade – 16:00

Thursday, May 23

  • English Sessions – 15:00
  • Math Exam Preparation Sessions for 9th Grade – 15:00
  • History Exam Preparation Sessions for 9th Grade – 17:00

Friday, May 24

  • Critical Thinking Club – 16:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Board Games Club (for youth aged 14-17) – 16:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – VR Day – 16:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Literary Café (Getting to Know and Communicating Activity) – 17:00
  • Cooking Club – 18:00

Saturday, May 25

  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Board Games Club (for youth aged 18-35) – 16:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Taboo-Free Discussions (for youth aged 18-35) – 17:00
  • “Stress Management with Youth” session with Olesea Frunze (for youth aged 18-35) – 17:30

Sunday, May 26

  • Municipal Youth Forum – 10:00


Rîșcani Youth Center

Tuesday, May 21

  • Debate Club – 15:30
  • “Guess the Movie” Activity – 17:00

Wednesday, May 22

  • “Mystery Word” Game – 15:00
  • Municipal Personal Development Program for Youth – 16:00

Thursday, May 23

  • Intellectual Games Club – 16:00
  • “Finish the Story” Activity – 17:30

Friday, May 24

  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Taboo-Free Discussions (for youth aged 14-17) – 15:30
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – “Harry Potter Day” Activity – 15:30
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Board Games Club – 17:00

Saturday, May 25

  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Taboo-Free Discussions (for youth aged 18-35) – 14:00
  • Municipal Personal Development Program for Youth – 16:00

Ciocana Youth Center

Tuesday, May 21

  • Municipal Personal Development Program – 16:30

Wednesday, May 22

  • Debate Club – 16:00
  • English Club – 17:30

Thursday, May 23

  • Sports Club – 16:30

Friday, May 24

  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Board Games Club – 16:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – “Spelling Bee” Activity – 17:30

Saturday, May 25

  • Guitar Club – 14:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – “Russian Roulette” Activity – 15:30
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Taboo-Free Discussions – 17:30


Buiucani Youth Center

Tuesday, May 21

  • “Meet Your Volunteer” Activity – 17:00

Wednesday, May 22

  • Sports Club – 16:00

Thursday, May 23

  • Training “Psychosomatic Phenomenon among Youth” – 16:00
  • English Club – 17:00

Friday, May 24

  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Relax Time – 15:00
  • Municipal Personal Development Program – 16:30
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Board Games Club – 18:00

Saturday, May 25

  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Badminton Battle – 13:00
  • Girls’ Club – 15:00
  • Debate Club – 16:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Outdoor Board Games (18-35 years) – 16:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Sci-Fi Movie Night – 17:00


Botanica Youth Center

Tuesday, May 21

  • Debate Club – 16:00
  • Media Tourism Club – 17:00

Wednesday, May 22

  • Youth Personal Development Program – 16:00
  • Developing Youth Club – 17:00

Thursday, May 23

  • Human Rights Club – 16:00
  • Debate Club “Fathers and Sons” – 17:00

Friday, May 24

  • Painting Club – 16:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Informative Session “Inspire Health” in the context of World No Tobacco Day – 17:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Cultural Evening – 18:00

Saturday, May 25

  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Board Games Club – 15:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Taboo-Free Discussions (for youth aged 18-35) – 15:00
  • English Club – 16:00
  • #WeekendAtTheCenter – Cinema with YOUTH – 18:00

Choose to spend your free time at one of the Youth Centers in Chișinău!