Free personal development sessions for young people aged 14 – 17 at the Chisinau Municipal Youth Centre. See details in the article!

02 May 2024

Copy of 2024 program dezvoltare personala (36)

The Chisinau Municipal Youth Centre is launching a series of free personal development sessions aimed at giving young people aged 14-17 the opportunity to explore their potential and develop the skills essential for personal and professional success.

Under the guidance of trainer Zinaida Soroceanu, participants will have the chance to explore various aspects of personal development.

Here are the sessions:

  • Self-Discovery – 07 May
  • Time and priority management – 14 May
  • Effective communication – 21 May
  • Social responsibility and citizenship – 28 May
  • Self-Regulation and Self-Control – June 4
  • Social skills development – 11 June
  • Developing Healthy Relationships – 18 June
  • Parent-child relationship – 25 June

These sessions will give young people the opportunity to learn and apply practical knowledge and strategies to improve their lives and become active and responsible members of society.

Attendance at the sessions is free and young people are encouraged to sign up and make the most of this unique personal development opportunity.

The benefits of attending these sessions are numerous and include:

  1. Developing essential skills
  2. Increased self-confidence
  3. Building healthy relationships

To register for these sessions, please click HERE