Free sessions on social etiquette at Riscani Youth Centre. See details in the article!

02 May 2024

Copy of 2024 program dezvoltare personala (35)

The Riscani Youth Centre opens its doors to young people eager to improve their social skills and gain confidence in any situation. The Social Etiquette course, part of the Youth Personal Development Programme, is waiting for those interested to sign up to discover the secrets of elegant presence and effective communication.

During these free sessions, participants will have the opportunity to learn from an expert in the field, Ms Zinaida Soroceanu, who will share her knowledge and experience in social etiquette. From how to improve their posture and gestures to the art of conversation and basic rules of behaviour in various social situations, participants will be guided step by step to develop their confidence and skills in social interactions.

The application period for these sessions is between 1 and 7 May 2024.

The benefits of attending these sessions are manifold. These include:

  1. Improved social skills
  2. Developing an elegant presence
  3. Increased self-confidence

For more details and to register, click on the link, HERE