Free social etiquette course at the Rîșcani youth center!

18 May 2024


At the Rîșcani Youth Center, we have launched the Social Etiquette Course as part of the Youth Personal Development Program.

The first session of the new “Social Etiquette Course” within the Youth Personal Development Program took place at the Rîșcani Youth Center. The trainer for this series of sessions is Zinaida Soroceanu, an expert in education and relational communication!

In this session, the topic “PR by the Book” was addressed, where participants had the opportunity to understand and apply the rules of appropriate social conduct and behavior, with a focus on relevant aspects of the public relations field. Thus, we aim to develop the skills young people need to integrate effectively and constructively into various social and professional environments.

The next session will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2024, starting at 4:00 PM, at the Rîșcani Youth Center.

The Social Etiquette Course is part of the Youth Personal Development Program and consists of 8 sessions on attitude and behavior formation, communication, and public image, held every Wednesday and Saturday at 4:00 PM.