General meeting of volunteers from Youth Centres in Chisinau!

11 June 2024


During the meeting, the volunteers set clear goals for the next period, focusing on personal development, active involvement in projects, as well as promoting volunteering and opportunities at Youth Centres among young people in the capital.

A highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the Volunteer Empowerment Programme to be implemented in the coming period. This programme aims to develop the skills and abilities of young volunteers, offering them opportunities for training and personal development through workshops, training sessions and practical activities. The programme is designed to support young people in acquiring new knowledge and experiences that will help them in their careers and personal lives.

In addition, volunteers participated in various teambuilding activities designed to strengthen team cohesion and reinforce relationships between members.

The General Volunteer Meeting was an opportunity to exchange ideas, inspiration and strategic planning, reflecting the commitment of young people to actively contribute to the development of the Chisinau community.

Please note that the next volunteer recruitment period for Youth Centres will be in September 2024!