If you have books at home that you don’t need, you can donate them for the street library at the Botanica Youth Center!

12 June 2024

Donează cărți pentru Biblioteca Stradală de la Centrul de Tineret Botanica (1)

The Botanica Youth Center is launching a book donation campaign for the Center’s Street Library!

From June 12 to 16, between 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM, you can bring the books you want to donate to the Botanica Youth Center at Dacia Blvd. 37/1. You can donate any type of book – whether it’s novels, specialized literature, or anything else you enjoy. Each donated book will bring smiles and encourage reading among the youth and beyond.

The Street Library is set up in the Youth Square at the Botanica Youth Center. The opening event of the library, under the motto “The Book Closer to the YOUTH,” will take place on Saturday, June 15, at 5:00 PM! We look forward to seeing you!