Information on mental health, risk factors, warning signs and solutions

03 November 2024


What is mental health?

Mental health is not just the absence of disease, but an overall state of wellbeing that allows us to enjoy life, build healthy relationships and fulfill our potential.

Risk factors and warning signs

A variety of risk factors, such as academic stress, social pressure, hormonal changes, stressful life events and genetic predisposition, can contribute to the development of mental disorders in adolescents. It is important to watch out for warning signs such as:

  1. Social withdrawal and withdrawal from usual activities
  2. Sudden mood swings (euphoria, depression)
  3. Difficulty concentrating and memory problems
  4. Significant changes in eating or sleeping habits
  5. Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety or anger
  6. Recurrent negative thoughts or thoughts of self-harm

What to do if you are experiencing mental health problems:

  1. Acknowledge the problem – The first step is to recognize that you need help. Don’t blame and don’t be ashamed.
  2. Talk to someone – Share your feelings with someone you trust: a friend, family member, teacher or school counselor.
  3. Seek professional help – A therapist or psychologist can give you the tools and support you need to cope.
  4. Join a support group – Interacting with other people going through similar experiences can be very beneficial.
  5. Look after yourself – Adopt a healthy lifestyle: get enough sleep, eat healthily, exercise regularly and limit alcohol and other substances.
  6. Practice relaxation techniques – Mindfulness, meditation and deep breathing can help reduce stress and anxiety.

This information campaign is carried out within the project “AVANTE for Inclusion and Mental Health”, financially supported under the Municipal Grants Program for Youth Organizations in mun. Chisinau, launched by the General Directorate of Education, Youth and Sport and the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center under the aegis of the Chisinau City Hall.

The aim of this project was to increase the degree of community participation of young people in Chisinau municipality through activities promoting inclusion and mental health! See HERE a video about the project.