Information session – “European union institutions” At the Rîșcani youth center!

06 June 2024


On June 6th, the Rîșcani Youth Center hosted an information session titled “European Union Institutions,” dedicated to young people eager to better understand the structure and functioning of the European Union.

During the session, young participants developed their critical analysis and strategic thinking skills in the context of European affairs. We encouraged active participation of young people in civic and social processes at the European level. Participants learned about platforms where they can follow events, participate in exchanges, and network with peers who share common interests in politics and European structures.

Participants engaged in interactive discussions and practical sessions, gaining knowledge about the roles and functioning of the main EU institutions. The youth were enthusiastic about the opportunity to enrich their knowledge and connect with peers interested in the workings of European institutions.

We thank the participants and partners who contributed to the conduct of this session!

This event is part of the “Empowering Youth for a Stronger European Democracy” project, funded by the European Parliament.

The “Empowering Youth for a Stronger European Democracy” project is funded by the European Parliament through the call for funding for actions to engage citizens in the field of communication ahead of the 2024 European elections.

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