Meeting with Deputy Mayor Angela Cutasevici at the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center: Find out how the city administration works

16 September 2024

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Young people interested in how public administration works and in the decision-making process of the capital have the opportunity to participate in a unique event organized by the Chisinau Municipal Youth Centre. Angela Cutasevici, Deputy Mayor of Chisinau municipality, will discuss how youth and community projects are managed and how important decisions are taken for the city.

The event will take place on September 17, 2024, at 17:30 at the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center, located at 90 Mitropolit Varlaam Street.

This is an unmissable opportunity for all those who want to better understand the mechanisms of public administration and learn first-hand behind the scenes of managing a city like Chisinau. Participants will be able to ask questions directly to Deputy Mayor Angela Cutasevici and receive information on how municipal projects for young people and the local community are coordinated.

Event details:

  • Date: September 17, 2024
  • Time: 17:30
  • Location: Chisinau Municipal Youth Center, 90 Mitropolit Varlaam Street, Chisinau
  • Special guest: Angela Cutasevici, Deputy Mayor of Chisinau municipality

Those wishing to attend should fill in the registration form available here. Places are limited, so participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible to take advantage of this opportunity to better understand how decisions are taken at local level.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to talk directly to one of the leaders of the local administration and get a better understanding of how the coordination of a city like Chisinau works!

Source: Chisinau Municipal Youth Center