Mobile Team of Riscani Youth Centre in action in Mezon Square area!

28 May 2024


The mobile team of the Riscani Youth Centre went out in the heart of the sector to inform and interact with young people in the area of the Mezon square on Blvd. Moscow!

The Mobile Team, composed of young volunteers and youth workers, had an active and dynamic presence in this central area of the city, providing information about Youth Centres in Chisinau. Through this initiative, the aim was to strengthen the link between young people and the resources available for their personal and professional development.

The main purpose of the action was to familiarize young people with the services and programs offered by the Youth Centres, highlighting the opportunities for non-formal education, volunteering and active recreation available to them. At the same time, information was provided about upcoming events organised by the Youth Centres, as well as ways to get involved in the community.

If you see the mobile team, don’t hesitate to get closer and get to know the opportunities offered by the Youth Centres!