Mobile Team of the Buiucani Youth Centre

04 June 2024


On Tuesday, June 3rd, the mobile team of the Buiucani Youth Centre went out to the “Alunelul” park.

Volunteers informed young people between 14 and 35 about free opportunities and services for young people. The main aim was to inform about new opportunities, activities and clubs of the Buiucani Youth Centre.

The mission of the mobile team is to create an open and constructive dialogue with young people, to encourage them to get involved and benefit from the resources and activities offered for their personal and professional development.

On Saturday 08 June, the mobile team will continue to inform young people about free opportunities and leisure activities in the “Dendrariu” park, main entrance.

If you see the mobile team, don’t hesitate to come and get acquainted with the opportunities offered by the Youth Centres!