Municipal Grants Program for Youth Initiative Groups: the deadline for submitting projects has been extended until 15 September 2024!

07 September 2024


The Chisinau Municipal Youth Center has announced the extension of the project submission period for the Municipal Grants Program for youth initiative groups. This program is an opportunity for young people in Chisinau to obtain funding for projects that can bring a positive impact on the community.

Initially, the deadline for submitting projects was earlier, but the new deadline is September 15, 2024. This will give interested young people more time to form an initiative group, develop a project idea and prepare the necessary application file.

Who can apply?

In order to participate in the program, initiative groups must consist of at least three young people and the proposed projects must aim to develop and improve social, cultural, educational or environmental aspects in the municipality. This is a unique opportunity to turn young people’s ideas into reality, thus contributing to the city’s development.

How can you apply?

Interested young people can consult the program rules and download the necessary annexes for submitting the application by clicking here. Grant applications must be submitted exclusively in electronic format to the email by September 15, 2024.

The Municipal Grants Program is an initiative that gives young people the chance to get actively involved in their community and make a difference. It is important to note that all proposed projects must have a significant impact on society and be feasible within the terms and conditions set by the program.

Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to the development of the municipality of Chisinau through innovative ideas and get funding for your projects!