Participate in the Hackathon for Financial Education and Solutions for Young People at local level

19 July 2024


The Hackathon is a competition of ideas, where teams of participants (3-5 young people in a team) will register with an idea that can contribute to local development. After registration, for three days, the participating teams, together with a mentor, will develop the proposed ideas, and as a result, 3 winning projects will be selected to be implemented in the municipality of Chisinau.

Hackathon stages:

  1. July 03-30, 2024– registration of participants by filling in the online form:
  2. August 08-10, 2024– the Hackathon will take place in Vadul-lui-Vodă. All participants will participate for 3 days in an opening session of the event, training sessions in financial literacy and fundraising, identifying and solving local problems, creating an effective fundraising campaign, mentoring from an international expert in finalizing the proposed idea/solution.

The last day of the Hackathon will be the presentation of the initiatives, during which the judging team will provide scores for each team and finalize the Hackathon results.

III. September 01 – October 30, 2024 – deployment of the 3 selected initiatives with the support of the mentor.

The aim of the Hackathon is to give young people in the municipality the opportunity to acquire essential financial literacy skills and at the same time become active agents of change in the local community. Through the Hackathon training sessions, we aim to encourage young people to identify local problems and develop practical and sustainable solutions.

The ultimate goal of the project is to create conclusive action plans and fundraising campaigns that bring tangible benefits, thus strengthening young people’s commitment to sustainable development and well-being of mun. Chisinau.

The Hackathon Financial Education and Solutions for Local Youth aims to become a catalyst for positive change, encouraging local initiatives and strengthening the links between young people and their community.

The target group for the hackathon is made up of young people aged 16-18, residing in mun. Chisinau and interested in personal development, financial education and active involvement in their community. These young people are open to innovation, have an entrepreneurial spirit and are motivated to contribute to change and improve life in their city.

The project is financially supported under the Municipal Grant Program for Youth Organizations in mun. Chisinau, launched by the General Directorate of Education, Youth and Sport and the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center under the aegis of the Chisinau City Hall.