Personal Development and Leisure Time Animation Service

The purpose of the service is to prepare the young person for adult life in personal, social, and professional aspects, as well as for life within the family and in society, for individual and work-related activities. The service contributes to increasing the responsibility of each young person towards their own future and to their successful social integration.


Objectives of the service:

● Organizing activities and programs for the personal development of young people;

● Providing consultations regarding the personal development of young people;

● Offering opportunities for young people to engage in campaigns promoting non-formal education;

● Motivating young people to be more socially active, etc.


Activities of the service:

● #WeekendattheCenter Program (board games, movie screenings, informal discussions, meetings with individuals from various fields, etc.);

● Interest Clubs for YOUTH;

● Team building activities, energizing games;

● Thematic trainings (leadership, project writing, time management, public speaking, health, etc.);

● Long-term programs (Youth Personal Development Program, Hub for youth in project writing, etc.).

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Volunteering and Youth Information Service

Psychological Counseling Service

Personal Development and Leisure Time Animation Service