Presentation of the municipal survey results on identifying the needs of youth in Chisinau

29 May 2024

Blue Minimalist Business Pitch Deck Presentation

The Chișinău Municipal Youth Center, the General Directorate of Education, Youth, and Sports, under the aegis of the Chișinău Municipality, presented the RESULTS of the municipal survey on identifying the needs of youth in Chișinău during the Chișinău Municipal Youth Forum 2024.

The survey, conducted from April to May 2024, aimed to evaluate the priorities and challenges faced by young people aged 14 to 35.

Survey Methodology

The research utilized a sociological questionnaire-based method and included a probabilistic stratified quota sample of 1,690 young people from Chișinău and its suburbs. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews, and the analysis and processing took place in May 2024.

Key Survey Results

1.Youth Engagement and Participation:

    • 41% of young people often participate in elections, while 62% rarely engage in civic actions such as protests or demonstrations.
    • Approximately 34% of respondents consider the relationship between youth and the city hall to be good or very good.

2. Access to Services and Youth Satisfaction:

    • On average, young people accessed four services aimed at them, including training and seminars (60%), information campaigns (56%), and volunteer activities (50%).
    • 56% of young people reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the services received from institutions.

3. Youth Challenges and Needs:

    • The main identified needs are career guidance and counseling (13%), leadership and management courses (9.28%), and leisure activities (9.15%).
    • 85% of young people consider labor market integration a major challenge, and 59% value youth-friendly health centers as very important.

4. Levels of Discrimination and Inclusion:

    • Approximately 10% of young people reported experiencing discrimination in various contexts, highlighting the need for more inclusive policies.

5. Access to Information:

    • Instagram (24%), Facebook (18%), and TikTok (14%) are the main sources of information for young people about available services.
    • Only 24% of young people had heard of the Municipal Youth Center’s mobile app, and of these, 35% had never used it.

The municipal survey provided a clear picture of the needs and challenges faced by young people in Chișinău, emphasizing the importance of services tailored to their needs.

The Chișinău Municipality, the General Directorate of Education, Youth, and Sports, and the Municipal Youth Center reaffirm their commitment to developing and implementing programs that support youth development, while also promoting their active involvement in the decision-making process and community life.

The ideas proposed by young people during the forum will be incorporated into the municipality’s activity plans for 2025.

Detailed survey results can be seen below: