Support Programme for Youth Organizations in Chisinau – Consultation and Presentation

16 September 2024

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Support Program for Youth Organizations of the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center is organizing an important event dedicated to youth organizations and their representatives. On September 17, 2024, at 17:30, at the headquarters of the Municipal Youth Center, located at 90 Mitropolit Varlaam Street, will take place the official presentation of the Support Program for Youth Organizations in Chisinau.

The aim of the event is to consult the programme and get feedback from youth organizations in order to improve it. The program concept, which will be unveiled in detail, aims to provide financial and logistical support for youth initiatives in the capital, thus encouraging the development of sustainable and innovative projects in various areas of interest to young people.

Youth organizations are invited to participate in this consultation session to actively contribute to the development of a programme that meets their specific needs. Representatives will have the opportunity to present their views and suggestions in a framework open to dialogue and collaboration.

For more information and registration, those interested are invited to contact the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center. Chisinau – Consultation and Presentation