The CHIȘINĂU platform for the EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF YOUTH 2027 has been launched!

16 May 2024


During this meeting, several young people from youth organizations in Chisinau were actively and creatively involved in a process of brainstorming and intense discussions, aimed at defining the strategic direction of Chisinau as the European Youth Capital.

The participants brought forward innovative ideas and proposals for a comprehensive and sustainable activity plan that would meet the needs and aspirations of young people in Chisinau. These ranged from cultural and educational projects to social and community development initiatives, highlighting the diversity and creativity of the young people involved.

This initiative was welcomed by the participants, who highlighted the importance of open and collaborative dialogue in the process of writing and submitting Chisinau’s candidacy for the title of European Youth Capital for 2027!

Thank you to the youth organisations and student associations present at today’s discussion:

  • Public Association “Heritage of Generations”
  • YMCA Moldova
  • National League of Law Students
  • Ассоциация интеллектуальных игр РМ
  • ASRM – Association of Medical Students and Residents of Moldova USMF
  • National Youth Platform for Active Participation
  • Youth Resource Centre ,,Avante”
  • Regional Centre for Social Initiatives and Sustainable Development

We further invite youth organizations, student structures, initiative groups and young people interested in this process to join the created platform!