The series of personal development sessions for young people with Grigore Vieru has come to an end. See in the article what young people learned.

30 April 2024


The Chisinau Municipal Youth Centre marks the end of a two-month period of exploration and learning, the series of sessions facilitated by Grigore Vieru has successfully concluded. This initiative, aimed at young people aged 14 to 17, served as a platform for cultivating personal and professional skills, giving participants the tools to shape their own path in life.

Participants in this series of sessions had the privilege of exploring a diverse spectrum of topics, including:

  1. Discipline – the path to success and fulfilment
  2. Discovering the power of habits for personal success
  3. Building your own story in your professional career
  4. Exercising leadership in promoting positive change
  5. Fundamental understanding of economics
  6. Effectively managing your personal budget
  7. Monetizing personal passions
  8. Initiating and managing investments
  9. Exploring digital financial tools

These sessions were an invaluable opportunity for young people to develop their leadership skills and gain practical financial knowledge, preparing them for future challenges and opportunities.

The fundamental aim of this programme has been to provide young people with a structured and supported framework to develop their potential, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and aspirations and giving them the tools to confidently navigate through life. The active participation of young people in such initiatives is essential to strengthen them as responsible members and active contributors to the society in which they live.

Registration for a new series of personal development sessions, dedicated to young people aged 14 – 17, will be launched shortly!