Training “European Union Institutions” at Riscani Youth Centre

05 June 2024


The Riscani Youth Centre, a branch of the Chisinau Municipal Youth Centre, would like to inform you about the organization of the training “Institutions of the European Union” dedicated to young people interested in the functioning of the European Union. This event is part of the project “Empowering Youth for a Stronger European Democracy”, which aims to deepen the knowledge of young people about the political landscape of the European Union.

The event will take place on 6 June, starting at 15:00 at the Riscani Youth Centre, Miron Costin 7B.

This training is addressed to all those who want to better understand the structure and role of the European institutions.

The objectives of the event are:

  • To develop critical analysis and strategic thinking skills in the context of European affairs.
  • To encourage the active participation of young people in civic and political processes at European level.
  • Facilitate networking between young people with common interests in the field of European politics and structures.

Participation is free of charge!


The project “Empowering Youth for a Stronger European Democracy” is funded by the European Parliament through the call for proposals for citizens’ engagement actions in the field of communication in view of the European elections in 2024.

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