Try virtual reality at the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center, for free!

02 July 2024

Copy of Colorful Simple Science Class Education Presentation (7)

The Chisinau Municipal Youth Center excitedly announces the organization of the VR Day event, scheduled for June 3 and 5. This event is dedicated to young people and gives them the opportunity to explore the exciting world of virtual reality through a variety of interactive and sports games.

During the two days, participants will have the opportunity to enjoy the following VR games:

  • Archery
  • Basket-ball
  • Volley-ball
  • POOL
  • Dart
  • Tennis
  • Golf
  • Base-ball
  • Box

Whether you’re into sports or just want to have fun with your friends, VR Day is the perfect place for you! Don’t miss the chance to enjoy the coolest VR games and live incredible experiences with us!

We are waiting for you on June 03 and 05, starting at 15:00 at the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center, 90 Mitropolit Varlaam street!

Participation is free!