U.S. Peace Corps in Moldova: Contest to Select Organizations to Collaborate with Volunteers from the United States of America
25 February 2025

The U.S. Peace Corps in Moldova announces that a new group of U.S. citizens will arrive in Moldova to volunteer with local organizations. The volunteers will represent the Community and Organizational Development Program and will begin their service in August 2025. For two years, they will live in Moldovan communities and work with local organizations and institutions.
Community and Organizational Development Program volunteers can provide support to host organizations in the following areas:
- Increasing the Organization’s Capacities: improving organizational management, streamlining organizational processes, developing capacities for project planning and implementation, improving information systems and promotion techniques, improving volunteer management practices.
- Promoting collaboration between community organisations: mapping the community ecosystem, creating information sharing communities, organising inter-organisational and/or inter-community knowledge-sharing events, including disadvantaged groups in community activities.
- Enhancing civic activism and developing the skills of community members: leadership skills for youth and adults, civic engagement, improving the use of IT resources, clubs and camps for different community groups.
If you are a Community, Registered Association, Local Action Group or Public Institution oriented towards community development (library, community center, youth resource center, museum, etc.), you have been working in Moldova for at least one year and you are interested in a productive cultural exchange that will strengthen the capacities of your organization, we invite you to apply to host an American Volunteer.
Organizations from the municipalities are especially encouraged to apply for this opportunity. The program aims to promote and enhance local capacities and seeks host organizations outside Chisinau.
An important condition is the existence of a person within the organization available to work with the Volunteer on a daily basis as a Basic Partner. Applicant organizations will also be responsible for identifying the host family for the Volunteer.
The application form, as well as the information package, can be accessed here:
The deadline for submitting the application form is March 1, 2025.
The completed form must be sent to the email address: eblidari@peacecorps.gov or by fax 022545022.
If you cannot access the attached documents or want more information about the Community and Organizational Development Program, you can contact the organizers: Elena Blidari / Tel. 069107820, Email: eblidari@peacecorps.gov