Video Filming and Editing Workshop at America House Chisinau

01 May 2024

2024-04-30 22.20.28

America House Chisinau organizes a workshop for all people aged 16 and over who want to improve their filming and video editing skills. The workshop will take place on 7 and 10 May 2024, starting at 12:00 on 27 Banulescu Bodoni Street.

During the event, participants will have the opportunity to interact with the practical journalist Daria Căpățînă, director of the Multimedia Production Department for Children at Teleradio Moldova and university lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the State University of Moldova.

The workshop is held over two sessions, where the trainer will explain the main rules of filming: how to hold the camera, the best filming angles and some mobile apps that can help with video and audio recording and editing.

Participants will have the opportunity to put the skills they have learned into practice by shooting several videos and then editing them. In the second session, the focus will be on editing techniques and improving the quality of the videos produced.

America House Chisinau encourages all young people passionate about filming and editing videos to join this useful workshop. The event is held in Romanian and is free for participants. Registration form, HERE