What is volunteering and how can one become a volunteer?

07 March 2024

Red and White modern We Are Hiring Announcement (Presentation) (1)

Volunteering is an activity in which a person, known as a volunteer, dedicates their time and effort to assist or serve a cause, organization, or community without receiving financial compensation. It often involves working for the benefit of others or a particular cause and can have a significant impact on communities and society as a whole. Here are some important aspects of volunteering:

  • Motivation and personal benefits: People participate in volunteering for various reasons, such as a desire to help, contribute to a cause they believe in, learn new skills, advance their careers, build social connections, or simply for personal satisfaction. Volunteering can provide a sense of fulfillment and develop skills such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving.
  • Areas of volunteering: There are numerous areas in which people can volunteer, including healthcare, education, environmental conservation, community development, assistance to the elderly or people with disabilities, human rights advocacy, cultural development, and more.
  • Organizations and projects: People can volunteer through non-governmental organizations, charities, educational institutions, hospitals, cultural institutions, and other entities that work for the betterment of society.
  • Flexibility: Volunteering can vary in terms of the level of involvement, time dedicated to activities, and the type of projects undertaken. You can participate in short-term or long-term projects depending on your availability.
  • Impact: Volunteering can have a significant impact on communities and the world at large. Through the work of volunteers, organizations can provide services and assistance to people or groups in need, contributing to positive changes in society.
  • Rights and responsibilities of volunteers: Volunteers have the right to work in a safe environment and receive adequate training. Additionally, they are responsible for adhering to the values and rules of the organization they work for and fulfilling the commitments they have made.

READ ALSO Law on volunteering, HERE

If you want to become a volunteer and obtain a volunteer card, see which institutions host volunteering, HERE

This card serves as an official document confirming your participation in volunteering activities and can be useful in many ways. Here are some of the benefits of a volunteer card:

  • Recognition and validation of participation: The volunteer card confirms that you have dedicated time and effort to support a cause or organization. This can be particularly important for validating your contributions and receiving recognition for your work.
  • Professional development: Many companies and employers value volunteering experience on candidates’ resumes. The volunteer card can serve as tangible evidence of your participation in various projects and enhance your prospects with potential employers.
  • Skills and competencies: Participation in volunteering activities can help develop valuable skills such as communication, time management, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. The volunteer card can be a way to confirm the development of these competencies.
  • Networking opportunities: Through volunteering, you may meet people from different backgrounds and fields. This can be an excellent way to expand your network of contacts, which can be valuable in your future career.
  • Support for authorities or educational institutions: The volunteer card can serve as an official document in situations where you need to prove your participation in volunteering activities, such as before educational institutions or competent authorities.