Young people found out about their personal needs and those of their teams at the Ciocana Youth Centre!

23 April 2024


The Ciocana Youth Centre continues to provide opportunities for young people to develop multilaterally. On Tuesday 23 April, a new training took place as part of the Personal Development Programme. The host of the session was Mihai Popescu, and the topic he addressed was “Personal needs vs. team needs“.

During the session were discussed:

  • personal needs vs. team needs
  • team development stages
  • team structure
  • role of members
  • the EAP model
  • types of leader

Participants had the opportunity to learn how to manage the balance between personal needs and those of the group to which they belong. This involves exploring how they can collaborate effectively and meet their individual goals while contributing to the collective success of the team.

The Personal Development Programme trainings take place every week on Tuesdays, starting at 16:30, at the Ciocana Youth Centre, Petru Zadnipru Street 3/2.