Young volunteers from Riscani get actively involved in the community: the traditional general meeting!

11 May 2024


The volunteers of the Riscani Youth Centre kicked off the month with enthusiasm and determination at their traditional monthly general meeting. In a setting full of energy and commitment, participants turned their attention to assessing recent progress and setting goals for the future.

At the meeting, which took place recently, volunteers reflected on past achievements and identified areas that need more attention in the coming month. They also outlined plans and strategies for future projects, laying the groundwork for concrete actions that will benefit the community.

A remarkable novelty in the agenda of Riscani Youth Centre is the introduction of a new module in the Youth Personal Development Programme – the Social Etiquette Course. This addition reflects the Centre’s desire to provide young people with practical and social skills essential for personal and professional growth.

In recognition of their valuable contribution, volunteers were applauded and appreciated for their dedication and involvement in the activities carried out so far. These moments of recognition are a confirmation of the positive impact they have on their community and motivate them to continue to be a driving force for change in their environment.

With open arms, the Riscani Youth Centre invites the entire community to join and actively participate in the projects and events to come. Through their involvement, young people and all those interested can bring a real and sustainable change in the society we live in.